Saturday, September 1, 2012

So Much Fun so Little Time Brought to you by the Month of August

The month of August has come to an end. What a month it has been! We tried to fit in as much fun as one family could because school would soon be back in session. We had a trip to Worlds of Fun with a friend of the girls, and to also meet my childhood best friend, Sara and her beautiful family. The Mamba had several malfunctions that day and the kids were bummed they couldn't ride their favorite ride, but we rode every other awesome ride.

The kids have us on our toes hopping from one thing to the next. The girls decided to join the fall softball league, so there have been practices and games occurring. At the end of the month we began soccer for all THREE kids, and this time none of the kids share the same team, so there are 3 separate practice and game schedules. Add to the mix Jason and I decided we needed to do something for "us" so we joined a coed softball team. How I absolutely love that sport, and it does an amazing job at relieving stress!!

A quick "down" time enjoyed before heading out for soccer practice

School eventually had to resume and I am now the mother of a middle-schooler. Such a bittersweet time! I have been anxious about this change for Jayden, just knowing he doesn't always handle change the best. I have already had a meeting at the school to discuss the events of the summer (the official diagnosis of Asperger's). While I walked out feeling good, the more that time passes, the more I do not feel it went well. I was told Jayden would need to be placed on an IEP to ensure success by the doctors that tested and diagnosed him. The school (and this really should not be a surprise) still was adamant that he did NOT need an IEP because Jayden is still learning and progressing despite all the concerns for his slow educational growth.

Here he is on his first day of middle school

My girls on their first day of 2nd and 3rd grades
I have placed Jayden into a therapeutic organization that specifically deals with children on the spectrum. The first meeting took place last night, what I like about this agency is that they do in home therapy, to see how our family functions, to see how Jayden functions, to give us and him advice on how to better cope with the daily challenges of autism. Jayden's therapist's name is Denae, and she is a very bubbly silly person that I believe will fit well into our lives. She said she wanted to know Jayden's soccer schedule so she could attend a game. Eventually she may decide to go to the school to see how Jayden's school day goes and to see how he is doing with those everyday challenges. She is also very concerned that he does not have an IEP in place and she assured me that we will ensure Jayden has every opportunity in the world in place for him to lead a very successful life. So even though I already met with the school I may very well in the near future request another meeting, one that will have Denae involved, because she advocates so well on behalf of her clients. I know we do not have the worst case scenario as far as Autism, but it is tough none-the-less.
However I am still pretty much in the frame of mind that the last 11 years I have done a great job as being Jayden's mother, I don't know what could come about this. I have to learn to open up and accept things. Things that would drive me to insanity about Jayden is because of his new found diagnosis. I had NO clue that children on the spectrum have sensory issues as she stated he feels things 10x more than the "normal" person. So when Jason and I had to tackle Jayden to clip his nails because he said it hurt too much to get them clipped, he was to a certain extent right. I feel like I abused my child and how that makes my heart hurt. Autism is a problem with the frontal lobe and that area of the brain is responsible for so many important things. Things like social skills, and memory issues, so when I would give him a task of 5 things to complete (get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, put on deodorant, make your bed) I would get frustrated because even if those things happen EVERY.SINGLE.DAY, he was never able to complete those 5 things with out me reprompting his from one event to the next. I remember once asking him "Jayden, seriously we do this everyday, why can you not figure this out?!" The truth is, he can't and again I emotionally abused my child instead of just accepting him as he is. Things just get jumbled in his brain and now it is my responsibility as his parent that I find things that will help him in all areas of life from daily living tasks to those important milestones.

Hurricane Isaac made landfall earlier this week in the gulf coast region, little did I know or even expect for it to make such a weather impact in our area. The first day of rain was good, we have not seen a good rain for quite sometime. I took that time and did some "deep cleaning" because we all know that dust and dog fur and kids happen each day. Today, is the second day of "Isaac" rain and well it definitely rained on our parade, as it cancelled our small town parade. So today, we will make another day of games with the kids, that never ending cleaning stuff (dishes, laundry etc) The sun will surely show its face again soon.

Waiting for the parade that wouldn't be...I love their happy faces!
One last note, Jason and I have joined the Kansas City area walk for Autism Speaks. We will attempt to raise money so that children like Jayden get the help and services they deserve, to raise awareness of Autism spectrum disorders. Something that will "never happen to us" happened to us and it is such a wonderful feeling to know that there is a community of support out there, and I know I am just beginning to touch the mountain of support there is. If you choose to join us in the walk or donate, please know that your support is greatly appreciated. Our Team name is Team Jayden or look for a walker (Angela Cook)
Until next time,